India has the largest concentration of youth population in the world with 369 million youth in the country. Each month, 1 million Indians will turn 18 for the coming several years. Almost 200 million youth are unemployed or underemployed working in harsh conditions, subject to exploitation. The capacity for vocational training in India is estimated to be only 25% of current need.
Self-paced online learning is one way to enhance capacity quickly and skill youth for a sustainable livelihood. We have been successful in providing employable and life-skills among underprivileged youth in partnership with grass root NGOs.
Your donations will be used for delivering courses to underprivileged youth through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) across India. LAUF has no overhead costs in India and every dollar goes directly to providing online employable and life skills to underprivileged youth in India.
Africa’s population of 378 million is expected to rise to 830 million by 2050. Today, youth account for 60% of African unemployed. While Internet penetration is low, mobile penetration is high at 80%. We are proud to partner with Facebook’s initiative to build awareness on a range of relevant issues amongst youth. The focus is on livelihood and career skills; skills to build a better community; sexual reproductive health and rights; and importantly inspiring ideas and research that are changing the world.
LAUF mobi site is promoted to youth by NGOs who working with youth in Africa.
Your donations will be used in development of mobile content and outreach to African NGOs. LAUF has no overhead cost in Africa and every dollar goes directly into providing content to youth.
In Canada, 1 in 5 children under the age of 18 live in poverty and many youth face challenges to building life skills. Indigenous youth in remote communities are often most impacted. Canadian debt is at a record high with an average Canadian owing $1.67 for every $1 of disposable income. This is partly attributed to poor financial literacy and financial decision-making skills. Youth unemployment is very high. Canada places a high priority on youth well being. We leverage this priority and empower Canadian youth with life skills using the robust technology infrastructure.
Your donations will be used to develop and deliver online modules to youth in Canada.